About Me

I began acting at the age of 5, when I realized I loved performing for others. I began hula-hooping at age 7, perfecting my skills by age 12, and becoming a world-ranked champion. Whether on stage or in film, acting, singing, or hooping, I feel most alive when I can connect with an audience.

For Bookings, please contact me.


Nothing gives me more joy than performing. I have always wanted to create characters and share stories. Acting is my passion.

Current commercial representation with Firestarter Entertainment. Please see resume.

Acting Resume

This is my 1-minute acting reel, with highlights from some of my favorite projects.


I had a blast working on the hit comedy, How I Met Your Father (HIMYF). Check out “Rewardishment,” Episode 8 of Season 2, streaming on HULU. And for more details and great photos, please see my Hula-Hooping and Blog pages on this site. It was a pleasure getting to share my talents on this fun and funny show!

The iconic Hollywood trailer never gets old. It’s always a thrill!

Award-winning short film The Little Samaritan, directed by Sheila Cavalette. My role, “Yuppie Man,” begins at 2:12.

Short film Slap directed by Andrew Blackwood. NOTE: No humans were harmed in the making of this film, though it was hard to convince my mom of this fact!

Short film The Young Mother (Silent) directed by Andrew Blackwood. Spot me in the role of “Jogger” at 3:13 and 4:06.


Singing first tenor for Gay Men’s Chorus of Los Angeles (GMCLA), I was able to hit new heights–literally.

Singing “The Rose” alongside LeAnn Rimes was a highlight of my time with GMCLA. This was part of “Comfort & Joy,” performed at the Alex Theatre in Glendale. On the alternate day, I had the honor of performing the song’s solos in harmonies with fellow tenor Chris Etscheid.

With over 1 million views, this rendition of “True Colors” continues to bring comfort to so many who are impacted by bullying, especially when targeted for being true to who they are. I feel great pride that we helped bring attention to this important issue. Spot me at 2:31, at the far right side of the screen, and at 3:36 and 3:48. Thank you, Cyndi, for always supporting the LGBTQ+ community!

I sang this beautiful Michael Alfera arrangement in Los Angeles and Denver, where we received a 20-minute standing ovation for our GALA set, with clapping that continued into the street after the show! Spot me at 2:58 and 5:35.

“Didn’t My Lord Deliver Daniel” was a showstopper at the Los Angeles Theatre Center. Spot me at 3:10 and 3:30.

“Mean” was a true barn burner at The Saban in Los Angeles. Spot me at :10 and :34, :46 and 1:15, 1:51 and 2:15, and at 2:31. The camera liked me on this one, and I love this song that tells bullies to question their mean ways. Thanks, Taylor, for being a strong LGBTQ+ ally!

“Sensemayá” was a dramatic piece GMCLA performed as part of A Mighty Voice at the Los Angeles Theatre Center. With its rhythmic claps, stomps, and chants in Spanish, I had to concentrate more than ever. Spot me doing just that at :35, :57, and 2:42.

“A Mother’s Prayer” was so movingly performed by Melissa Manchester, with GMCLA’s backing vocals, at the Alex Theatre in Glendale. Spot me at 2:09, 2:24, and 3:10. It’s my fervent hope that society will one day support every single youth and that these suicides will end. If you or someone you know needs help, please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255. Specifically for LGBTQ+ youth, please go to The Trevor Project, https://www.thetrevorproject.org/

Sometimes I just want to sing and not worry about the visual aspects of a performance video. Almost like the idea of hearing voices first, not seeing faces, on a show like The Voice. This is my true sound, on a ballad that was a favorite with my parents.


I picked up my first hoop when I was 7. A few years after that, I placed 5th in the World Championships! Yes, those competitions were very real– and really fun. After countless performances in stadiums, parks, and theaters large and small, I still love doing the tricks, getting some exercise, and teaching others how to have fun with hula hoops.

This trick is called “The Butterfly.” As with most tricks you’ll see me do, it took about three months to perfect this when I first started out. Practice, practice, practice. Now it’s one of my favorites, with a feeling of freedom and flight. If you see someone hula-hooping while walking and talking on the mobile, that’s likely me getting some exercise in the neighborhood. If you see me in the park practicing my tricks, come over and say hello– or join me for a lesson and burn some calories the fun way! See my 1-minute hula-hooping reel below for an exciting overview of the many tricks you can learn.


It’s hooping, spinning, flowing, twirling, rotating, circumnavegating. What else? It’s FUN!

Are we twins? Here I am with Christopher Lowell, “Jesse” on the hit show How I Met Your Father, just outside the HIMYF soundstage. We had some quality rehearsal time with the hoop, and I can say that not only is he a fabulous actor, but he also has great spinning skills. Watch season 2, episode 8, “Rewardishment,” on HULU, and you will see for yourself! And you might spot my work as his hula-hoop stunt double–a total joy to help “Jesse” master the Vertical Lasso Catch and Release.

This closer shot mirrors one I have (and cherish) of myself with Fred Rogers, from one of the shows I did with him on his iconic, much-loved TV show, Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood. Thank you, Chris! This shot will now remind me of my great times on HIMYF and also of the honor I had in getting to know the one-of-a-kind Fred Rogers.

This is my hula-hoops reel, with highlights of me doing some of my favorite tricks.

Directed by Frank Elmore in 3D. And if you don’t have the glasses, try the 2D version below.

This video was taken LIVE onstage at the Avalon in Hollywood, California.


I had such a blast working on How I Met Your Father, Season 2, Episode 8, “Rewardishment,” that I’m going to be adding some photos here and talking about the process of being the Hula-Hoop Stunt Double for the character of “Jesse,” played by the multitalented Christopher Lowell.

Here I am BEFORE getting into the wig that allowed me to look like Chris/Jesse.

“Is that a wig you’re wearing?” “Why yes, it is!” These first shots are from a rehearsal/run-through day on the lot. Everything gets tested for how it will function and look on the day of the shoot. I even had pants switched from this day’s wardrobe fitting (not the ones pictured here), to give me more tapered and form-fitting pants in order to facilitate the motions of the hula hoop that we would be working with on set. Why? Well, it has something to do with…

… Well, it has to do with what I do when I’m spinning the hoops. As you can see, they go just about everywhere. And even with only one being used on HIMYF, the savvy wardrobe department noted the motions, and they felt it would be easier for me to work with more form-fitting pants. They don’t miss a thing. They are all pros. But back to the hair:

Fabulous Katy McClintock, Head of the Hair Department on HIMYF, designed the wig that really transformed me into the “Jesse” character. I loved seeing what I looked like with brown hair, because I’d once told my mother that I was planning to dye my black hair a lighter shade of brown, and she was quick to comment: “Not while you’re living in this house!” (Dear Mom, how I miss you!) So, many many years later, I got my wish to have lighter hair. Thanks, Katy–and a shout-out to all the fabulous crafts departments on set that make us look our best, especially hair and makeup!

So, how similar did we end up looking, Chris/Jesse and Paul/Jesse? You be the judge. But I can tell you it was absolutely enough to help this “double” get in there to help realize the episode’s Vertical Lasso Catch and Release hula-hoop trick. And I loved every moment of it!

Here we are in our identical outfits, with the hoop that was used on set. (Congrats to the prop department, by the way, for the amusing collapsible one that has its moment in the episode. Wouldn’t that be handy?) We practiced for a time between the soundstages, and I can tell you that Chris is a natural talent with the hoops. I even taught him a new trick out there: Because he could already spin the hoop on his hand and arm, I said he could bring the hoop in and then bring his elbow in toward his arm to get the hoop rotating around the bent elbow–and he got it on the first try! So, he’s adept at comedy and drama, is a photographer with a keen eye, and he’s a hula-hooping natural. If he tells me he also sings and dances, I may need to hide under a rock for a little bit. See other related photos on the Acting and Hula-Hooping pages of this site.

And last, but never least:

At the end of the filming days, it was so sweet to see Cherie, and to get my final food/snacks/water… Crafts Service–yes, that’s how it’s styled for this show–is, obviously, indispensable on a set. And the people! Cherie, Leilani, Tom–and all your team–my deepest appreciation for what you do. Thank you!

Which brings me back to the top, where I said I had a blast working on this show. To everyone associated with HIMYF–so many departments, I’d have to list two pages of people from the call sheets–my admiration for you is great, and I give you all my most sincere thank yous! To those who got this going: Jeremy Roth for writing an episode of a TV comedy that revolves around a character’s past and present as a hula-hooper–with jokes and tricks aplenty–wow! Missy Alexander, UPM supreme, you found me–I’m so delighted you did! Jodi, Norvie, the team at FSE–always happy to be represented. To SAG-AFTRA, the union for actors working in film and television–thanks for the hard work on our behalf every single day. To all these and all those who aren’t mentioned here by name, I do appreciate your work, and I will always have fond memories of my time on How I Met Your Father.

And to my family and friends, for their ongoing support as I work toward the fulfillment of my dreams in the entertainment industry, my love and my thanks. Onward…until the next great development!

Check out the show’s Instagram @himyfonhulu and #himyf

“Ordinary Wonders” Poem in Mirador Magazine

I am so happy to say that my poem, “Ordinary Wonders,” was selected for publication in Mirador Volume 12. Many thanks to the editors, Nikki Jardin and Tavé Fascé. Mirador is an award-winning, dementia-friendly publication. I dedicate this poem to my mother, who struggled with Alzheimer’s/dementia. If you have loved ones who are experiencing cognitive …

Peace, Love & Soup

I was asked to contribute a bilingual piece for this recent remix of an older Day of the Dead-themed podcast, cohosted by my friend Tave Fasce Drake with her podcast partner, Brian Delaney. I recite my poem “La clara del huevo” at 27:04.