I am so happy to say that my poem, “Ordinary Wonders,” was selected for publication in Mirador Volume 12. Many thanks to the editors, Nikki Jardin and TavĂ© FascĂ©.
Mirador is an award-winning, dementia-friendly publication. I dedicate this poem to my mother, who struggled with Alzheimer’s/dementia. If you have loved ones who are experiencing cognitive challenges, you may find Mirador helpful for, as their tagline says, “making connections.”
My friend Diana Rosen, a published poet and a tea expert, also has work in this volume. Congratulations to her and to all the contributors to this special publication.
If you’re a writer, you know that it’s just as competitive and as difficult to get worked placed as it is to get a role acting on film or TV. But writing is one of the things that gives me the most joy in life, so I’ll never stop writing and never stop trying to get my work in publications, so it can be shared–with you!
Wishing you a wonderful spring season, Paul